Simply with passion
A client called us one day. Unhappy with the already foreseeable result of its project, he asked us for fast help.
What had happened? There were an outline, a terrific chart, a client impressed by it and a nimble company. This promised little good. The complexity had been underestimated this one be subject to parks as well as high-rise buildings. Of all ones involved.
Leafage goes another way! The complexity behind open spaces must be addressed and cannot be ignored. Only this way can you make sure that the park or the home garden will succumb to the shaping hand and not restrict the planner or user. Plainness as an idea must guide any action. What is meant by this? Not just mere simplicity but order should be inherent in any doing. To achieve this we delve deeply into this complexity. Legal, formal and constructional aspects as well as requirements of maintenance must be understood early to realize them in an unpretentious way. Planning decisions must not be passed on to the people at the construction site.
What about our client? He stopped the execution with the corresponding consequences for those involved until then. The realization took only insignificantly longer. The result was impressive.
Let us master complexity before it creates sufferings.